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12 AnExpofition of the 27. Pfalme. Verf.a. adverfaries are wicked men , for they mayhereon reft af- fured , that Godwill not joynwith their enemies, unleffe it be for trial!of grace , as in lob , or for the times of the godly, in forfakinghim : for then the Lordmay jultly ufe the wicked ; as rods and fcourges for their correfion : as Ifaiah 1 o. 5, 6. 0Affÿrian,the rod of mine anger, and the Gaffe in their hand is mine indignation. So yob 8.2o. Be- hold, Godwill not calf away a perfect man , neither will he help the evil! doers. Indeed, ifwe forfakehim , he will forfakeus. 2 Chron. i 5. 2. Rejoyce therefore , O ye na- tions, with his people : for hewill avengethe bloud of his fervants , and render vengeance to his adverfaries, and will be merciful! unto his land, and to his people. Deut. 32.43 Confider the Lords with. Pfal. 81. 13, 14, i c . Oh that mypeople had hearkened unto me : and Ifrael had walked in my wayes1 I fhould foon have fübdued their enemies,&c. Adde /filial) 5c. 1 o. and 54. 8,14, > 5. The fecond The fecond thing to benoted here is, the purpofe and ate Obfervation. tempt ofDavids enemies againft him: they came uponhim, to eat uphis fiefh; that is, utterly to defiroy him.Mark then, Davids enemies did fully purpofe, and endeavour hisut- ter ruine and deftruction. Pfal. 18. 4. The forrowes of death compaffedme, and the floods of the ungodly made mee affraid: Pfal. 56.2. (-line enemies would daily fi''allow me up, they be many that fight againft me : Verf. 6. They gather themfelves together, they hide themfelves, they marl_ myfteps, when they wait for myfoul. Pfal. 57. 4. Myfoul is among lions : I lye among them that are fet onfire : even thefanner ofmen , whofe teeth are #eares andarrower , and theirtongue a fharpfword. Pfal. 69.4. They that hate me without acaufe, aremore then the haires ofmine head : they that Woulddeftray me, being mine enemies wrongfully , are mighty. TheReafon. The reafonhereof was , their fpitefull wrath and hatred againif David; as he confeffeth,in the behalfof the Church withhimfelf, Pfal. 1 24.2, 3. If it hadnot been theLord, whowas on our fide , when men roleup againft us. Then they