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60 The ufe for This ferves for inftru&ion, and for admonition. ïnfiruLion. For inftruc`fion: fee,that Davidwas not acquainted with the opinion of Papìils , that hold prayer a meritorious work : for then audience fhould be due, not of mercy, but of debt. 1 he firm CiCz For admonition : Fir.ft, to every one to get good title for admoni- tion. toGods mercy, that would have affurance of audience to their prayers. Now the way is to get into covenant with God, and towalk worthy of the Lord : Now wee enter covenant by believing in Chrift ; for that is the condition that gives us title to audience, i ter. 4. 22,'23. And wee walk worthy ofthe Lord, and ofthe favour of audience , whenwe efchew evill, andmake confcience of finne : for fee yohn 9. 31. 'Pfd. 66. 18, 19. finne feparates and hin- ders audience, Prov. T. 24, 28.1f. 1. 15. If 59. i. where- to alto we mull adjoyn confcience of well-doing for, if the do well,we (hall be accepted, Gen. 4.7. which though it extend not unto God, for the betteringof his estate, Pfd. 16.3.yet it makes greatly forGods glory, john 15.8. and is good and profitable unto men, Yit.3.8.For Goddoth pro- mife audience to thofe,that fet their love onGod,andknow him, that when they call hewill anfwer, Pfalme 9x.14,15. The fecond Secondly,thofe,that profeffe themfelves to be in covenant ufe for admo- with God, mull obferveGods mercy in audience to their nition. prayers, as Pfd. 85. 7, 8. SheW us thy mercyO Lord, and grant na thyfalvation: IWill hearkenwhat God the Lordwill fay. So did David, Pfd. 66. 17, 19. and Pfd. 116. 1, 2. This wemulti do, that, ifwe find want of audience, wee may appeal untohis mercy, and feekgood title thereto : for gracious audience is ofmercy. And if we find,that God hath heard us, that then we may return praife and thankes for Gods mercy., and labour to walk worthy ofit. We have received many deliverances in this land, upon our hu- miliation. in 88. from the invincible navie, in605. from the devillilh Powder treafon, in 625. from the fearfull plague ofpestilence,befides out comfortablefreedome from wars, in thecommon troubleofother nations;unthankful- neffe n Expofitionof the 27 .1'falsne. Veri7