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Verf.9: 1,t Expofitionofthe 27. Pfalnaem for our helper , (hall be affixed untous, for he hath faid , i will not fail thee, norforfake thee. Heb. 13.5. Secondly, towatch carefully and conf}antly againft that The fecond thing, which will deprive us of this priviledge , and that is Life for ad- fume : for it is a workof darkneffe , wherewithGodwill tm°niúon. have no fociety. Pfal. 94.20. I yohn 1.6. It feparates between God and us. Ifa. S9. 2. Whereupon the Lord faid to his own people theJews, hewould deliver them no more out ofthe hands of their enemies. puk. To. 13, 14. Thereforewith David, we mull: hide Godsfayings in our hearts, that we may not finne againf} him , Pfal.119. 11. and fo ftrive to keepour felvesfrom our iniquity.Pf.18.23. Secondly, confider this prerogative profeffed by David, inhaving God for his helper, with reference to the end,for which he dothheremention it, which is, to move the Lord not tohide his face from him,&c. becaufe formerly he hath fhewed himfelfgracious and favourable towards him : and therein this is plain. That `Davidmakes his own experience of Gods help, in The fourth former evils, a ground of prayer , for prefent favour , in Obfervation. his renewed troubles. When Davidwas in the wilderneflè ofJudah, flying fromSails perfecution,Pfal. 63. thetitle; in the 7. verfe he pleadeth thus for mercy ; Becaufe thou. haft been my help, therefore under the Jbadowof thy wings Will I rejoyce. Pfal.77.2,5. In theday ofmy trouble Ifouglot the Lord Icenfidered the dayes ofold. Pfa189.49. Lord where are thy former loving indneffes. Pfal. 71. 4, 5, 6. Deliver me, O Lord, out ofthe handof the Wicked ---- for thouart my hope, O Lordgod, thouart my trufi, evenfrom myyouth : by thee I have Beene holden up from the womb. Verf. 17, 18. 0 Clod, thou haft taught meefrom myyouth. Now alfo, When Iam old, andgray-headed , OGod , foriake meriot. The reafon hereof is plain : Davidknew, the true God The Reafoii: was unchangeable , and immutable, not onely in his effence; but alfo inhis love, favour, and mercy towards hiseleci, who arehis redeemed , in and by Chrilt jefus, M with 79