Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

lecíouo Raiff). truths upon the heart ? here are the ordinances, but oh ! for the moving of the - vaters,awake 0 North wind, and come thou South, blow neon the garden that the #ices may flow out. And when the fpírit comes in holy motions,faith opens the evcrlatiing doors,and welams him in,as Laban did Abrahams fervatit,conrii in thou blefed of the Lord ; f}and not only without in the Scripture- letter, come in, thou that comelf in the name of the Lord. Take the throne of my heart, and bid the world go down and fit at thy footflool.Take the keys of the foul, and unlock every faculty , fet up thy lamps in every dark corner, and dif- cover the accurfed things there : Speak, O hea- venly Rabbi, fpcak in words of lifeand power, and Phew me the path of life and righteouf nefs. Secondly, Faith is very chary and loth to lofe the teaching fpirit. Like the Spoufe in the Can- ticles, it holds him and and will not let him go, Cant.3.4. This is to the believer as the apple of his eye, he would not have a duff of earth tall into it, left it grieve and weep out fome of the hòl.y\light ; and as the fire in theTemple,it muff not go out, if there be but a live coal or Jingle fpark,it muff be blown up into a flame.Holy mo- tions are veryprecious to the believer,as it were beams of heaven, better in Faiths account then the greatSun which qu:ckens the animal world, and like fo many good Angels Pent from God to give the foul a visit: rather then there fhotild be violated and abufed,faith will offer all Lts world- ly comforts,asLot his daughters,to be defuured. at