Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

jcctalto , Faft0. '35 of bread is a poor inanimate thing in it felf, but when f digeflion it comes into the body and is trap ubftantiated into fle , there is an humane fpirit in it; a man before faith is an earthly carnal thing; but as foon ai, by faith he becomes a member of Chrift, a piece as it were of his flefh and of his bones , he hath ano- ther fpirit in him, even the fame with Chrill; Chrift above and he below, and the fame fpi. it in both : a great myfiery, fuch as a naked affent cannot reach unto: he that bath no more is but a glafs eye, or wooden leg in the body of Chrift, or rather he is not at all in it, but outwardly tied to it by a name and form of knowledge, without any part in the righte- oufnefs or fpirit of Chrifl. Fourthly, By virtue of its union with Chrift. Precious faith bears many excellent fruits, it ufhers in a fpiritual life into the foul ; that of the Prophet , the juJl fhall live by his faith, thrice quoted by St. Paul in the New Tefta- ment, is exemplified in every believer ; but he that hath but a naked affent , though with a goodly flrudure of Evangelical truths flanding upon it, is but a dead man, and his notions, like the Egyptian Pyramides are but monu- ments for the dead. Again, it brings down pardon of fin into the foul, whof ever believeth in him (that is, in Chrift) fhall receive remiffi- on of fins, Ads io. 43. but a naked affent leaves a man as fall in the chains of guilt as ever before. Moreover, it purifies the heart, and quenches the fiery darts of Satan, it car - K 4. ries