Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

184 P2¢tIOtto to the title, he would very fain have what he hath in Jefus Chrill and in the good will of God. Since fin blafted and forfeit- ed the world, he dares not claim any thing upon meer creation, but all in and through Chrift and free - grace, all are yours, and you are Chrijfs , and Chrilt is Gods , i Cor. 3. 22. there's his title ; the carnal man looks on the world as a mountain of prey and fcrambles for as much of it as he can , but the believer would have every grain come through Mofeph - hands , and all his bread and wine fet forth by the true Melchife- deck, the King of righteoufnel? ; nay,fuch is his holy curiotìty,that he is jealous of the leaft adherent guilt , which others never mind ; the oppreffing Merchant boafls and finooths up himfelf, yet I am become rich I have found me out Mil-awe , in all my labours there is no iniquity, Hof. 12. 7, $. but let faith come in , and then the flene cryes out of the wall and the ruff of the gold and flyer witnefes againff him. There were in Saxony (as lhuanus relates) two fòrdid in- humane wretches , who for filthy lucre in- groffed a great quantity of corn and af- terwards opening their barn -doors to tranf- port it, the corn flew up into their eyes , driving them into horrid aftonithment and defperation : íhculd the believer opprefs , it would flye in the face of confcience, and the ,curfe of God would feize upon him ; upon which account Ix is very curious about his cflat.e,