Polhill - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .P7 1675

ecíotio fait!). j85 elate, to keep the moth of guilt from it. 11s to the evil things of the world finch as croffes and aflliElions , whilea others pore only on the outward evil lying before the fenfes, the believer looks upward to God the fupream Moderator, being richly content with croffes , as long as God governs the world. A ftory there is of a godly but fickly woman, who when an Angel carne to her from God , proffering her as from him health in one hand, and licknefs in the other, fell a weeping, that God fhould put her to her choice, and not himfelf chufe for her ; fuck is the genius of faith, which would not chufe for it felf , but refer all to God, kif- fing every crofs as a piece of his govern -. ment who rules the world. Again, the be- liever looks inward to fin, as the black foun- tain from whence all miferies iffue forth in the world , well knowing that all Phyfical evils are but the pay of Moral ; whilefc others cry out of the plagues, he complains of the fins : Pharaoh cries out perii, but David pec- cavi, Again(l thee thee only have I finned , Pfal. 51. 4.. and there is great reafbn for ir, becaufe fin is the fontal evil , which powres out all other evils, and puts a defperate fling and venom into them. Moreover the be- liever looks forward to the iffue of afflierion, 'tis enough to others to come out of it, but he would .come out of it as the IJi-aelites did out of Egypt, with Jpiritatal jewels and ear- rings; whilefl they tell over their outward lofies,