Preston - BT100 P8 1634

GoD u peife~~ foumaine)frorn wher1ce theirperfettion cometh, which if it be ftopt,they will come to nothing. Thus God isinfinite'Iyperfe~nd immenfe,haRer~fon. ving no limits: and the reafon .is;-pecaufe ·all H .. mits are either from thematteror ~he forme; the fbrme is limited,becaufe it wants matter to carry it toa further extent;~ the matter,becaufe it is bounded with fuch a forme; but inGod there is nei-ther matter nor·forme: 'as there is nothing without him, fo there. is nothing within him tobound that largenes ofhimwhkh hebath•. But nmv to apply-this:· · . . If God· be thus full efbeing,as rhe Sea is.fuU of Vfo r.. . warer,and a tboufand times ful!er; t:hen all tha-t Theiull wee d h h h · p-r: 1• caa.doe,reach· you can oe, reac et tlOt to tm, )a • r6. 4· It eth notto him e.xtendJ-not to him; the finne.s that you comrpit, hurt him nor;all the rightcoufneffey~uperforme dorh not pleafure o:r benefit him.;. Andjf it b~ fo, then c.Onftderwnat little ·caufe you have to– murmure againft himat any time; upon anyqc:.. to merit any thing~ Pfat.t6..... c~fion: For all difcontentment a!}1on,g thecrea- Difcontenr– tur<~s c?mes from_ hence;th~~ t4~ife~p~&a~i.o_xi ~s /: .m~n.r; whence · not fausfied;and'what eife ts tlie reafon wJiy tt lS lt 15 ' · '· - not fatisfied, but becaufe they<lt there · is fqme reafon \-yhy they fhould ·be .refpeded ?·· theref()r-eexamine yomown·5earts)wfiether the-re · be}not a fecret Poperie in your 'hearts, ·rh at you think that you can do fomet~ing)that rea·cheth to -God,that ,he fhon-Jd refped: you for:confi<ier'l fay, ifGodb~ thus full,thdttcanft dono~hing that can reach to him. But you fhall fee-hew prone men are tothis: ·Ai'e1we notreadietofay)VVhyam I not ·