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.. ,. ' 3 .Eff'e,Gls>of:a - iirme affent to d~efe princi-. p~es, •· 7 " To take the judgern~nc,,c;>f the.Scripture, rathec than . mens f~pcies. ,... . That G0 D·· iJ. ·add(d to .theLord..: For you£hall fi-nde it'llyex– perience, when youconverfe w-ith worldlymen;.,. t,hey willbe readie,on every occafion,toattribute ·. the event of thin'gs to. naturall caufes, but the godly they afcribe it to Go n. Nowgoodwords firengtbeu our faith, but the evil/ff'ords ofnatu... rail men theycorrupt goodm&nners. Andnat onely . the words of thegodly.worke fo-, but the very manner .ofthe deliverieofit is emphaticall,.for they doe beleeve it themfelves- N,ow ifa man .deliver an Hifi:ory that he beleeves,hewil deliver - it in fuch a·manner, that h~will makeothers be. · lecve it alfo: .48. 14. I. They (o.JPake 1 th4t, agreat multitude of the Itwes beleeved ; that is, in fuch a manner,rhat ma~ywere turned to the faith.I11ni-m.· profetfeth in his life,That the very firll: thing that turned him from liis Arheifme, was thetalking . with a c0unrrey-man of his, not farre frorn F/o– rence;and his manner ofexpreffing himfelfe: The , next was themajefiie o.fthe Scripture, which he - obfervedin'John r-. buttheotherwas .the begin- - n-i1:1g of it. . · · So it will friU be true,thatwal&ingwirh godly -. men,w.Ht enc-reafe our fairh; but w-ith worldly .· me~, ir wiHweaken it. Therefore ufc all tliefe · meanes ro -ftteng.thcn tllefe prindples in you ; for they will h'aeYe-.many_excellenc .effeth in you-r 11.ves. A:g.• • ' , . .. · When a man beieeves tii'is thr~ug,hly, hewiii ·take the judgement-of the Scripture againfl: his ' owne fande,and theopinions o£men(with whieh we are frill ready to be·mif.:.oJe<i ~) fo t-hat when the Scrip~ure