Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

a ainfl all unrighteou%nef of men. 1 Ili when he law the Hand, it was not the hand, but the SE R. I V. apprehenfion of God's wrath that railed his thoughts, 2nd loofed his loynes, and made his knees knock one again¡i the other. So Saulwhen he heard the Word of Gedby falfe Samuel, it call him on his face, he cared not for any thing that men did to him, (you know how David defcribed his valour) but when Cod conies to him that humbles him. Confider what it is to have the mighty God of Heavenand Earth to be thine Enemie, who hath all things at His Command,and if He be thine Enemie, all things fhall worke together for thine hurr,as eve- ry thing ¡hall be for thy good, if thou be in favour, and covenant with Hine. If thou fay,bnt I tale nothing for the prefent;Re- member, though thou feeleft it not for the prefenr, yet there is wrath laid up for thee,Godhath it in ¡lore : Remember God's dealing with them that finned a- gainft Hiru;Sbimei had committed a fin that in God's fight defervcd death ; fo did Adonijah; fo did Saul and hisfeven Tonnes, that were hanged for breaking their oath with the Gibeonites : You fee how long there lay, as if God had forgotten them,but at length He brings them all to death. He doth not powre out His wrath on the rudder), perhaps thou ¡halt feele nothing of a long time, but thou art condemned, and when the Gaole delivery . comes thou (halt be executed, for God rein, rbers thy fins. Gains fin lay at his doore, though he fa., it not, it was not takenaway,bu continued, and it not onlycontinued,and:kept awake, but it cryed day and _ _ night,