Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

V)ith -hold the Truth in unriahteou /neJj'. fpoken of in 2 Theft:2. i o. They received the Truth, but not the love of the Truth, and therefore they hate it: Now what a man hates hekeepes off as much as he can, it mull not come neare him, for he counts it his enemie,and therefore_vL ill not fuffer it to diffufe it felfe into the reff of the faculties of the lbule. Another reafon, which goes hand in hand with this, is, they love darknc. :ffe rather than light, and therefore they are not every way enlighrned, for what a man loves, he delires to preferve, ro hedge about, and to keepe'fafe : Thus men cannot abide to have darkneffe taken away by any Information or Admonition, for they defire ro preferve it; Rom. i . 2 I. Their fool w4s fall of d4rkne f , they knew G o n, but they glorified Him not tis Go n : Though there was light, yet thur heart was full ofdarknefle, and becaufe they loved this darknrflc,thcrcforethey would not have it expelled. As a man commits a fil- thy aEf, or unfeemely thing, defires tó have the light put out, becaufe it is contrary to that which fhould cover.and cloake his a ion: Thus men imprilon and (hut up the light, not fuffering it to difperfe it felf into -their Poole. -But in th ritìil rifoning'of this light, you mùíí know all gore not the fame way to wörke, for there be there feure different wayes of doing it. . Firff, frsme thr re'are Which imp ì'l'ß n this'light rn¢erelyby laying it afìde,imecrely by foigettingir; by fuffering it to lye (fill, alnd not awaking it;; when Men remember not what they have tó do,th:y are fo bufied about other thin -gs, fo rraiuipurtrd with plea- ' hires and lulls, fo occupied in carts, and things of tl e 123 SLR. V. sTh4 z so. They hate is. Rom.t,s r. Foui e vvayes of impriConing the 'Light. I