Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

16S The Law of mans judgement Ss R. VII. will have knowne, are written in capital! letret s, and Cuch letters as every one may underffand and reade; Co as that wth the Papifis fay of Images,they are Lay. tens bookes, and ignorant mens booties; fo (and in a much better fenfe),this Booke of the world is the Héathen mansbooke, wherein he may fee there is a God,and hiseternall power,and wherein all men may fee what they ought to doe to this God. ; By the Scrip- Thirdly,it is manifeff by the Scriptures,/oh. 5.39 MM. faith Chriff,Search the Scriptures fir therein you think to have eternall life, and they tefli fie of me : This is out of quoffion, that the Scriptures teffifie of God,they make God knowne to men. ç By the Laffly, it is made knowne by the Saints, as in the Saiccts Came Chapter, lohn 5. John bare witneffe of me, and what is faid of John, may be laid of others,rhe Saints beare witneffe of God. Therefore in the fecond to the Philippians, they are faid to fhinear lights in the world, that is, they make God knowne to men : So by there foure wayes God makes it knowne, namely by the Law of Nature : Secondly, by his workes. Thirdly, by the Scriptures. Fourthly,by the faith. full, that live in the world. The two firfl make it knowne to the Heathen ; the two laft to them within the Church, that is the faithful!,, and there be the meanes by which it is evident.. 3' Now the third thing to be obferved, is, That it is t is God chat God chat.rnaketh this Truth evident ; This is enough maketh this g Truth evident. to prove that it is God, becaufe it is univerfally done; goe to all Nations, to favage, men, that feemeao be molt. remote from the light,that come not neare any meanes of the knowledge of the Truth,yet thefe men beleeve