Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made manifef by God. 18l_ Cafe of the Sacrament, doe you not know you ought SER. VII. to receive often, and not to neglet it in the Congre. _ gation where you are r Are you not bound ro that You thinke it a finnc not to heare the Word, and is it not fo, not to receive the Sacrament ? If he (hall bee i cut off that came not to the Pafi'eover ; fhall not he I be cut off that comes not to the Sacrament ? So you , know you muff renew y our repentance ; are not thef e Truths known,: and yet will you commit there fns? Goe thorow any known fin,and in this Cafe you do l with -hold the Truth in unrighteoufnes. But what is it to commit a known fin,becaufe it may be I am not convinced fufficiently of that By this thou mayeff know it, if thou finde thy conièience to give a fecret intimation that it is naughr,it is a finne it is a knowne finme, though thou haft got many Arguments for it, and canft difpute for it;- for thy confcience (ball wit_ neffe againft thee: as in cafe of Vfury and inordinate gaine, and matters of the Sabbath, many of which :things be in queftion ; fee what thy confcience faith, and take heed of difobeying the fecret intimations of thy confcienee, whatfoever thou haft to fay for thy fin befóre men: Men thinke a fin not to be aknowne fin,becaufe they are not willing to fearch it out: Now if thou finde this to bce thy cafe, that thou art not willing to fearclrit our,. to fee all that can be faid for it,or againft it, thou fhalt finde it a known ¡ìn : And this is a notable difference between the faithffrll and others. A godly man whofe heart is fet to ferve God with a perfec` heart in all things there is nothing that comes under the name of afn,nothing that hath the fhadow of a f n, but he is willing to fearch it our, N 3 to