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8 SE EZM.I. Two things in Humiliation. 1011414. i8. Iohn s6.S; Humiliation before Iufttiftcation. wife Drupe:, a leweff'e, called Paul before them,it is laid, They heard him of the faith of Cbrift : Bat how began he e' He began, faith the Texr,with preaching of Temperance, Righteou fnefe, and the Judgement to come : He told Felix what Righteoufnelfe,and what Temperance the Law of God required, and likewife the Judgement to come; for thofe two things mull be in Humiliation. An EndiCtment to (hew how far thort we be of the Righteoufneífe and Temperance that the Law of God requires,and withal' a pronoun- cing of the Sentence, a declaration of the Judgement to come. And this courfe made Felix to tremble. So John the Bapt?fi, that came to prepare the way of the Lord, to make way for chrifi : How did hee make way e He came as with the Spirit and power of Via,/ ; fo with much Terrour calling them a Ge- neration of vipers, told them of their miferable con- dition, as much as he could,to humble them. And that.was the way to prepare them. So when Chrift went about to convert any, this was His method,as in lohn 4. when He had that dif- courfe.with thewoman of Samaria, meeting her by accident, fi rfl He tels her of her fin ; The man whom thou haft linos thy husband, thou haft committed adul- tery: whereby He amazed her, andmade her looke into her felfe; and then He tels her He was the Mef- fab, and,that in Him there was hope. So He deales with Nichodemus, Hee tells him hee was flclh, that all that was in him was nought, and not any thing good; and then Hee preaches the Gofpell telling .him,. be muß be borne But of all places, you (half finde the cleareft to be that in /ohm 16. where Chrifl