Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Humiliation before Iuafifrcation. 7 faith he,1 have carried thee thefe forty yeares in the wil derneff,to bumble thee and prove thee: All thy fin and corruption was there before,but thou knewcfl it not. But that is not enough:for it men law never fo much fin in themfelves,yet if they have a bottome to Eland on, if they have health, and firength, they regard it not : therefore he addes further, ïhumbledthce,I made thee hungry, and then I fed thee with Mannah ; that thou mightell fee thou hadft nothing without me. And this I did, that when I bring thee into the good Land, ye may know it was not for your owne righ- teoufne(fe, but for the Covenant 1 made with your Fa- thers, Abraham, Ifaac and Iacob. This is nothing but a refembiance of the fame G o D doth now. Carry- ing men thorow this world, He firft humbles them, He lets them fall into fin, that they may know t hem- felves, and withal' Alias them, flittering them to fall into other neceffities, that they may know what they are,that they may fee their miferable condition and that God brings them not to heaven for their righteoulneffe, but for his Covenants fake, with A- braham ands fäac,that is,for his mercy fake in Chri«l. So Zechar.I 2. and t 3. Chap. You fhall finde firft Godpowres on them the Spirit ofcompunaion,that they (hall mournefor theirfinnes, as a man mourneth for his only fon ; and when they are humbled, then (and not before) I will open a fountaine to Iradah and Ierufalem for fin and for uncleannef ; that is, it is Phut before they be humbled, but when that is done, the fountaine is opened. So you (hall fee Paul, when he had to doe with Felix (a place worth your marking) Nis 2425. you (hail finde that when Felix and his B q. wife SERDs1.r. Zee4.ts.t;