Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

IZ S E R tii.l --*--- Two Reg-oils of it. Reafon I . Iu reference to iuftificatioZ. I To acknow- ledge His Ia- ftice. Humiliation before Iufli fication.. fo wee will make ufe of it, and come to the other which is the maine, and that I moft intend. God wil have it thus for thefe two Reafons : Firft,with reference to our Iuftification; He will juftific none till He hath brought hire to acknow- ledge both His Iufticeand His Mercy, He will have men knowwhat Hee doch to them, before He j ufli. fies them, and receives them to favour : I fay, Hee will have a man acknowledge His Iuftice, that is, confeffe himfclfe to be a finner, to be afhamed ofhìs finnes, to acknowledge himfelfe worthy to be de- froyed. As in Exek. 36. ag. there you (hall finde how G o D juftifies men,and waffles them rvithcdeane water from theirfannes. Then when I doe this,when- foever I than juftifie any man,then you (hall remem- ber your deeds that were not good, and (hall ac- knowledge your (elves worthy to be deftroyed.Ged will have His honour given Him, He will have men know that it is not done for any thing in themfelves, Hewill have the glory of His Iufiice and Righteouf ncfle, and that is the furnme of the fourth verfe of the one and fiftieth Pfalme, Again($ thee only have I finned, &c. that Thou mightef( be j u flified when Thou f]eakefl, and be cleare when thou ¡fidget' : that glory may be given to G o i, and fhame taken to hitn- felte. This G o D will have donc. As in the worke of Redemption, His Iuftice and Mercie are both fa- risfied ; fo in the application of it, in taking hold of this Redemption, God will have a worke wrought, wherein His Iuftice !ball be acknowledged. Second - ly,He will have His Mercy acknowledged , as Prin- ces when they will make a condemned mat4 be fen_ fable