Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1. of the minde. The Lox n kneweth the tbonghts of , SE RM. i i. men (faith the Plalmift) that they are vanity. And 1 this fhould humble us, that our mindes are no more ready to attend the means ofthlvation.As theSchool- men fpent themfelves in idle fpeculations, fo are wee í ready to attend to idle queftions, but that which is wholefonae and found we negle&t. Secondly, confider the blindnefe of the minde, :. The blind - we are unwilling to learne,and fo long muff needs be nefíe °fit. in an Erráur, and not come to the knowledge of the L o R D. To other things we are forward enough, but to do wel we have no underftanding. Therefore it is, that men continue ignorant,notwithflanding fo much preaching; when they learne other Arts, they are quicke and dexterous, but in the things belong. ing to Salvation, how ignorant doe they continu e The Schoole- men give a good reafon of it, and wee may take it from them; becaufe fpirituall light is a- bove us, it tranfcends us, we have not enough in us to fee fpirituallobjedìs;forthey be fupernaturall,and above our reach, but other things are proportiona- Whr.the nn- ble to us ; Bats and Owles in the night can fee well Íd' 3- is g , blind in fpiri- becaufe the glimmering light, and their weake eyes tuall things. agree wel together : So can we °difcerne vaine things, but things truly fpirituall wee doe not: i Cor.2. 14. , cor.z.t4. Spirituall things muff be difcerned by fpirituallight, A natarall man cannot conceive of them; W by e They are [piritaially difcerned, that is, they are above him, and his natureis not to reach them. Confider that blind- neffe in the underftanding,that unaptnefí'e, how quick and ready men are to bring their owne ends to paffe e How wife are they for other things e but all unrtghteou/ne ffe and ungodline ffi. 41