Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

44 at the Nature of man is full of $E RM. ILA f ubjed to it, he refills it, fights againft it as an Ene- mie, lookes on ir, as a thing contrary to him ; did it, give more liberty, he would be ready to embrace it, and thinke well of it; but becaufe it is too ftria, hee breakes thefe cords,and rafts them away, and fights againft the Truth,and this is the nature of every man. Now when we fay the wifdome of the fkíhis Enmi- tie, wee doe not fay that men oppofe the Truth, for there is not any Truth in Divinity, but a man may fully embrace and affent to it, and yet be an enemie to Holineffe, to the,Image of God ftarped therein, tothe faving knowledge,that is,the faving manner of knowing the Truths he affents to. Therefore the A- poflle faith,Many know much,but nothing& they ought to know : So many may know thefe fpiritual Truths, and confefi'e them to be good in themfelves, and yet may have a reluctance againft them, a di{lat}e of them, they favour not the things they underftand. Tit. z, ult. Tit.i.alt.They are to every goodwork reprobate; whieh I take not to be meantpaflively, but aóively, that is, men that cannot judge aright of any work, that look not on it with a right eye, as a thing lovely, and imi- table,as right and good,but in this regard they ftrive againft it. Therefore, the Apofile fpeakes offome that exalt themmflves againft the knowledgeofthe truth; that is, that fight and defend themfelves againft ir, that fpeake evil{ of the things they know, (for they know them, elfe they would never fpeake of them) but they know them not fo, as to love them, and de. light in thcm;tberefore.they refift,and fortifie them - felves again{{ the wayes ofGod,againft the flridne tfe and holineflè that God requires, and perfwade them- felves