Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Contents. 2. Negleti of Chri /1, which it twofold ; 1. Total, refuting all offers ofgrace. z. Partiall,baving a mixture of the love of tht¡ tvorld,and Chriit. p.189 Men compared to the threegrounds in the Go(frel. p.r go' Whether Humiliation bee abfolutely neceffary or no ? p. r 91 A twofoldforroso, s Preparative. p. 193 Godly. P.194 Godly and worldly furrow differ in the Objeas. pr9f Caufes. ibid. Effet1s. p.196 Ingredients. P.197 they are diftinguifhedby the Continuance. p.198 Event. ibid. The degrees ofgodly furrow. P.199 The leali meafure of Humiliation rs that which makes a man beleeve in Chri fl. p. 2 o o tSE I. to examine our felves whether we have receivedChrifl or no, for it mull be by a deepe Humiliation. p. ao r Without Humiliation no receiving the GOelitheul d in five particulars. r. A man will not find any need of Chri9. p.2021 s . He will not holdout to entertaine Chrifl. p.203 3, He will not for fake all things for Chrill. p.204 4. He will not wholly depend on him. p. 205 3. He wil not undergo any thing for Chrifis fake. a o 6 Meanes