Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheLo ineo(Mortijication® Si was ofgold, thebreft, (boulders, and armesoftilver, suchare fths the thighes and legges wereof bratfe and Iron , and compared to the feet were ofclay : fo many Chriftians,ac the &ít, Nebucbadnet ,ars mae: for their zeale, knowledge, tenderneffeofconfcience, Datara,, 0z. areas puregold ; afterwards, they growm } re cold and remiffe in the performance of holy duties, than before ;as alfo not focarefull inthe keepingofagood confcience,and this is worfe than the firit, even as fil- ver is worfe than gold ;, againe,.they come to a de- greeworfe than that, like braffeand Iron, dead and cold toevery thing that is good ; then at laft they come toclay ; that is, tobe earthlyminded, minding onely the thingsof the earth and thereforeif thot wouldeft get heavenly mindedneffe,andkeepe offthis fpirituall Confumptionofthy foule, remember from whence thouart fallen. Having already (hewedyou thedifferencebetweene earthly andheavenly mindedneffe, and alto Mewed you themeanes whereby you mayget out of earthly mindedne(l'e,it nowremainsthat we laydowne force motives tomove youto this worfe. The firit Motive to move all men from earthly motives t mindedneffe, is, becaufe heavenly tbangs areabetter 96- ¡et: the defiredothnot dye, but change; theaffeEti- r onsanddefires arebut changed from earthlythings to Ile, heavenlythings : nowevery deire hath aconjunti_ ecÿ e on with the things that they affect ; if it bee but an earthlydcfire, it hatha conjunction with an earthly objed ; fo if it beean heavenly delire, it bathacon- junetionwith an heavenly object. Now ifmen did but know, Or at leaft would be perfwadcd of this, it wouldbee an excellent means to perfwade men to M leave