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82 The MarineofMortificatioñ leaveearthly mindedneffe: for what is the reafon that menwill notprofeffeReligion, but becaufe theyfay, thenweemuff bee crucified unto the world, and the worldmutt bee crucifiedunto us ; that is, they mull leave al their pleafureand delights.It is true,thou muff becrucified untothe world, thou mull leave inordi- natecareofearthly things, all diflruffingcare, which is acompanion ofearthlymindedneffe inunregenerate men ; now whatlcffe will itbee unto thee, if thou have heavenlyaffections for earthly Will not a man willinglypart with droffe for gold : A man that is recoveredofadropfie,what ifa neceflitie be laid upcn him toabflainefrom exceffe in drinking, would hee &ot rather willingly leave his defire, than have his difealeto returne ? So,what ifthy affections bechan- ged from earthly to heavenly things, fo as thou dolts feele the burthenof immoderate cares cafl offthee what though a neceilirie beelaid upon theenot toen- tanglethy felfewith the thingsofthis world; is it not for thy foules health tokeepe itfrom aConfumptione Ifmenwouldbeperfwaded of thebenefitthat comes by this heavenly mindedneffe, and that itwere but a changeofthedeliire; not to their loffe, buttheir great advantage, furely they would not bee fo backeward fromgettingofheavenly mindedneffe : therefore la- bour toperfwadethyheart of the truthofthis grace; for this lothnot fo tye a man fromtheworld that hee múft not have any thingtodoe with it, butit orders a man in theworld, it keepes him ;from all inordinate cares of the world, and all inordinate delires ofearth- ly things,it fets all,thefaculties of the foule in order, andit fets thebody inorder: now ifinendidbitknow the