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88 TheDoirineofMortiflcactiin: God ? The caufethat they wantedFaith, was, becaufe they preferred the approbation of men, and fought that before thegifts and gracesof God ; for it is un, poffible youMouldbeleeve, fo long as you retaina Luk.9,1;e ny affeâionofvain-glory. Luk. 9. 23. our Saviour hr,tfts two gives twomarkes of acme Chriftian ; the oneis, to maths ofa eree Chri. ian deny hryrlfe e ; and theother is, to take rip the croft ; therefore it is not onely required thataman denyhim= felfe thepleafures andprofits of the world,and all in- ordinate affefiions, but he muft alto takeup thecroffe, hemuft bewilling tofuffer, for Chrift, reproach,dif daine, and fhame ; for there is as great aneceflity laid upon himto fuffer, as to deny himfelfe : and thinke, thinkenot your helves heavenlyminded, except you finde inyou a heart willing to fuller for Chrift. The fourth motive to move all men toforrake rcis t4 heft earthlymindedneffe,is,becavie:fixthebetterport, and part to do fo, everymanwould have the beft part ; butit is a hard matter toperfwade men that that is the beft part, for theyfay they havefelt fveetneffe inthem, and there- forenow to perfwadethem, is tofight againft reafon which is hard tobeevinced without manifeftproofe : Firft then,wewill proveit by Authoritie : Secondly, Provedby we will prove it byReafon. Firft, I fay, wewill proveheavenlymindedneffe to Authority. be thebetter part by Authoritie or Scripture . as Luk. pd 41,41 io. 41, 42. where in the [tory of Martha and Mary, foure.fold our Saviour makes a foi re-folddifference between differencebe- earthly andheavenly things; firti,Chrift faith to Mar- tweeneearth- t64 marth& thoucareft andart troubled; that is, there is lyand heaven. ly things, much care and trouble both to getandkeepe earthly things, thefecannot begotten without great labour, it is