Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheMarine o fMortifcationl 89 is a part of that curie which God laid upon Adam, Gen. a$ that in thefweat of his browes he, 'holdeat his bread; that 3' is, hee lhould findemuchdiflicultìe and labour to get outwardneceffaries for the fuftaining ofnature: Mary fhee fate downe, the was at ref}, which fhowesus thus much, thatit is aneafie labour, andan eaficworke to feeke after grace : Indeed it is no labourat all, ifwee compare it with the earthly labour, theone is thede- light ofthefoule, but theother is the burthen of,the foule : now that which is the onely delight of the foule is grace, and therefore what the bodiedoth to fatisfie the foule in this, it accounts of it as no labour to it felfe,for it yeeldswillingobedienceto the fouler now where there is awillingneífe to doea thing for another, the performance ofthe thing is not accountedas a labour to him, but as adelight,beeaufe he is willing ; but earthlymindedneffe is aburthen to the foule, becavfe it is compelled by the unregene- rate part to yeeldobedienceunto it : thereforeyou fee that heavenlythings is thebeft part, becaufe it is an ea1eworke. Secondly, Martha is troubled about/oh" things; Ä? that is, there are many things required to make an earthlyminded man perfect, tó make him fuch an oneas he wouldbee : if he have riches, then he mutt havehonor, andpleafure,and a thoufand things more, and yet nevercome unto that which hee wouldbee it may be heis rich,but he wants honour ; it maybehe is honorable,but he wants rich°s; or itmay behe hath both, but hee wantshis ply°afire, bee enjoyesf6me- thing, buthe wants that which beewould enjoy. But. Mary inch chofen but one thing, and that is C-.rif1, N this