Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Recreation is dull ameanes to fhar en thefaculties that theymay lawful!. p y bee the fitter todoe the fumions of the bodie and foule, but when it is ufedexceftively,it becomes ahurt and hinderanceunto it ; when menwill make a trade ofRecreation, and fpend their time in it from day to day, and fo make it their vocation ; this is awicked thing,and thisis folly in young men,whobecaufè they have meanes, therefore thinke that it isnot unlawfull to fpend their time ingaming, and the like ; but they are deceived, for theLord exempts them fromno cal- ling that I knowof; fure Iam, idleneffe,andgaming, andother recreations are no calling for them : And this is the reafon that young Studentswil not fetthem- felves to theirStudies, but betaife they have wholly devoted themfelves unto their Recreations.And ther- fore examineyourfelues inthefe two, fo likewife for all other in the like kinde, and accordingly judgeof your felves whetheryoube heavenly minded orno. cMarkj s. Thefecund fgnewherebyyou may knowwhether you be heavenly mindedor no, is, by the efteenie that youhave of heavenly things, whether you elleeme themas a part of your felves.: every facultieor habit bathanobjeä,ifthou bea carnal man then thefeearth- ly things are that whichdelights thy foule, but ifthou be heavenly minded, then fpirituall things are the de- light ofthy foule. Nowtouch aman that is not rege- nerate in thefe outward things, andyou touchhis life, for bee accounts his life as them, for theyare part of himfclfe ; but itis otherwife with the fpirituall man, he accounts not of thefe earthly things 2 Cor.4.5. Cor.4, S. the Apoftle faith, Weepreach not our felves ; that is,we account 96 TheDoeirineofMortifactition: arion fhould bebut as a !lone to whet theFaithwhen it