Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoarineo fMortifeation account not of the approbationofmen, nor anyonto ward thing, as a part of ourfelves ; therefore if wee want thefe, we doenot much care. Hereby then ex- amine your felves what arethe things you molt de- light in e What, arethey earthly things, how to bee richor honourable :' Doth this take away all your time, andemploy all the faculties of your foules, that youcan haveno time to thinke uponGod ; oratleaft ifyoudoe, yet it is very remiffely andoverly,with no zealeor affection e Thencertainlyas yet thouart not heavenly minded : But ifthou bee enlightned by the Spirit,it will befarreotherwife with thee; thefe earth- ly things will have but the fecond roome inthy heart., all thycare principallywill beehow to get grace, ju- flification, remiflion of finnes, and reconciliation. Now if it bee thus withthee, it is anexcellent fgne that thouart heavenly minded ; when thoucan't fay with. Pal, Rom.7. z7. It is not I, butfiñm. inmee ; that Rmn1.7,ir: is, the luftings and rebellions which are in my heart after thefe earthly things, have not the firft place in my heart ' tt is not I; that is,itisthe unregeneratepart, which I accountnot as part of my felfc ; if (Ifay) it be thus with thee, it is afzgne that thou art heavenly minded . forif thouhaft obtained this heavenlymiri- gednefíè, thouwilt be difpofed likea Traveller, who will ever beenquiring theway home, and whether all at home bee well : ifhet canmeet withany that can thus certifie him, and heeheare that theyare all well at home, then he will the more cheérefally undergoe any diculcie that hee fhall meet withall inthe way will und,:ergoeftormes and tempeffs, hunger andcold: in likemanner it is with the heavenlyminded man, he O will