Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

ryaDeairíríeo fMonti, cation: pg pureword, whether you rellifh it thenbell when it comes in theplain evidenceofthe Spirit, or when it is 2 Pct.t,C; l mixt with eloquence and wit,which ifyeu doe.,itis a figne ofearthlymindednefi'e.It is faid,2 Pet.s.I.As Flewbornebabes defire the [lncere milkeofthe word; that is,theman that is truly regenerate and renewed hoe dothbelt rellilh thewordwhen it is alone without any mixture,and therforehe calls it thefiaceremake; that is,the pure word ; as jibe fhould fay, It is pure ofit felfe,but ifthercbe any thing added unto it of mixed with it,it detracts from the excellency ofit for indeed theword is the pureflthing in theworld, all Arts and Sciences and knowledge ofPhilofophy aretood for mortal]. duties, but they arecorrupt & unclean incomparifon ofthe Word; and the rea. fon is,becaufe thefeare the works ofmen,now there is no workeofman but it is fubjeó to corruption, but the word ofGod remainespure ; therefore exa- mine yourfelves how you fland affeeed with the pureword. But foche will fay untome,that eloquenceand wit bier/:r: is an ornament unto theword,ct fets forth theexcel- Eloquence nè lencyoftheword the more; therefore ifit;be fuch h ód; `O an ornament unto the word then it out to be u(ed, otherwaies theexcellency ofthe word will not ap- peare. Tothis I anfwer,that humanewit andeloquence /10. v. is fo farcefrom fetting forth the excellencyof the word,as it obfcures theexcellency of it t fay, there The eñcÿof is no Art,Science,Tongue,Knowledgeoreloquence rhoword, in the world that bath fuch excellency in them as the word bath whether you refped theAuther,God, or 0 a the