Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

rsug TheMarini Mott' ficittion-: will everbcasking the wayhome (for indeedhe ven is our proper home)and whether all be well at home;that is,ifGodand Chri CI-, and the Spirit and the Saints beatamity withhim : and in htmelfehe will be inquiringifhe find faith-and repentance and peaceofConfcience, ifhe feeles that formatter of juftificationand remiffionoffinshe be well, hc re. fpeásnot the world, bee cares not muchwhat bee meetswithall,whetherreproach and fhame, penury or want,fohe find no inlackeof fpirituall graceall is_ well with him:Therefore examine your felves'whe. ther you be heavenly minded or no by the efteemc that youhave ofearthlymembers. The third figne whereby you may examine your felves whether yoube earthly minded or no, is by your fpirituall tafte,whether you rellifhheavenlyor earthly things belt : and therefore the Apoftle faith, Ron. 8. .they that are oftheAP doefavour the things of thefleAbta 4hey that are etthefpirit the things of the fpirit; that is,ifthe heart be regenerate it will taftea fweeteneffe in nothing but in heavenly things,or at /call nothingwill be fo fweet unto him and on the contrary,they that areearthly minded theycan find. no fweetneffc inheavenly things. Now(as- faid be fore)evety faculty or habit bath an object in which it is delighted, whether it bee unto good or untoe, vili, fo that if theheart bee regenerare then itwill finde fweetneffe in nothing but fpirituall things,but Hit be unregenerate then it can finde no fweernare, ìn heavenly things,neither can itwifh them fo well asearthly thing-s Therefore examinewhat you de- t inwhat delight v( u 1-ave ofthe hearing ofthe I a