Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDo trineof1Vlort#atioti: io7 thing by theaffeecion bee beares to them ; in like manner a man may know whether hee be heavenly or earthly minded by the affe6tions he carries to- wards the things heafidt`Is : therefore examineyour felves, what arc the things that you lovemoil, that you thirìke uponmofi, that you takecare of moli, that you takemoll care to getand tokeepe,are they earthly or heavenly things ? thole th-Angc you doe love bell and youraffetions are molt let up,n, that ;.lour thoughts are mutt troubled withal!, if they be earthly, you may iuíily feare your dilates ; for the aîfelions flow from love, and therefore if you did not love themyouwouldnot fer yourheartsand of fe6ions upon them. Secondly ,you (hall knowwhether your heartsbe 2; renewed byyour Speeches, now this may feeme but a BYhisSpe ilender ligneofarenewed heart,becaufe it is hard to`h` judgearightbyoutward appearances, to know the fincerityof thehart by thefpeeches:yet feeing ,hrift makes it a tigne of a renewed heart,I may the more fafely followhim; our Saviour faith, LM4t. t 2.34. Mar,I2,34; thatout ofthe abundanceofthe heart the mouthßieaketh; that is,there is abundance in the heart either ofgood or cvill : Now if the heart be full of heavenlymin- dedneffe, if Ifay,this abundance that is in the heart be grace, then it will appeare in the fpeeches ; for the fpeeches doe naturally flow from the affe Ttions that are in the heart ; but if the abundancethat is in the heart beevil 1, then theheart cannot but fendout foule fpeechesand rotten communication; and ther. fore our Saviour faith, 4goodtree cannot bring fortis svillfruit nor ato evilltree goodfruit : it isunpofïiible P 2 that