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SirrJile. 2.ï°.m.2.LO,21 vp:ned, og TheD°Urine.of Morti c4tion that a heart which doth abound, and is full ofearthly mindedneffe, but it will breakeforth and appeare by his fpeeches:thefilthineffe thatis inhis heart,ifit have not vent, it will burft; as we know a new veffell that hath wine put into it, muff have a vent or elfe it will burft; and by the vent you may knowwhat wine it is: fo,the fpeeches are the vent oftheheart, and by them you may fee what is intheheart; ifgracebe there, the fpeeches will favour ofir, as a Caske will tafteof that which is in ir. Butyou will fay, The heartis ofagreat depth, and whocan fearch it who isable to know whether the heart be renewedor no, by the fpeeches To this Ianfwer, I fay not that aman may at all times, and inall places, judgeof it aright ; but I fay, that a manmaycertainly knowhimfelfe whether hee be renewed or no;which is the thing wefeek toprove in thisplace ; that a man may know from what root theyfpring,whether ofweakneffe,by rebellion,orna- turally throughunmortified tufts: Ifay not,hut fomee times achildofGod,a regeneratedmanmayhavefour fpeeches in his mouth,& yethis heart begood towards God ;hemay have rotten talke,but itis but for a time, it will not continue, and itwill caufemuchBorrow of heart, ifhee have grace, whenhis confcience touches him for it. z7im.z.zo,zi.rmagreat manshouf thereare vefelsof40nour,ardve,(rels ofdi%honor ;ifaman therfore purgehimfelfe,heThal bea veffellofhenor,andyethave corruption in him, there may corrupt communication. come out ofhis m-outh,andyet he keephis goodnes1as avef%l ófgoldmay be foulewithin; andyetceafe not- tobe go1d;a veffeli ofhonor,,neither lofe it excellency;