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II Z TheDoilríne ofMortification caufe the gloryofGod is engaged on yourconvert- tion; if thou (halt foile thy felfewith any fìnn, that luth taken upon thee the profeffion of the Gofpell, Godwill be difhonoured, and the Gofpell will bee fcandaled : Againe,keep thy heart,becaufe God takes fpecial noticeofall thy anions; as for dogs and fwine, asfor theaetions ofunregenerate men,he regards them not ; becaufehis glory is not engaged upon their con- verfation, heexpeas nothing from them ; but as for you, he takes a particular noticeofall your aeRions, fpeeches, aridbehaviours, and therefore you fhould' Secret fins to boleo&edinco be marvellous carefull overyour hearts.Againe,looke unto ferret times, becaufehee is the fearcher of the Heart; let the feare of GodPet inorderevery faculty of your foules tokeepe out every time, every evill thought, becaufe heetakes fpeciall noticeof it. And Motives to that I may thebetter prevaile with you, I will briefly keeps watch over Our harts laydownforte Motives tomove you to keepe this diligent watch overyourhearts. The firflMotive tomoveevery Chriflian to conti- nue andgrow in heavenlymindedneffe,is this,becaufc by this meioses hee maybee able to doe everygood werke. 2 MN. 3.21. Ifaman therefore purge h;mflfe, beefhall be Tim.3:21, a vefell of honsomr, fit for every goodwerke : that is, if hee labour to ridhis heartof earthlymindedneífe, he (hall havea new life put into him, whereby beefall bee abletoperforme holy duties in another manner then before. Now what is the reafon that there is fuch complaint among Chriflians that they cannot pray, and are fo dull and flaggifh in theperformance of holy duties, but becaufe they have not rid their heartsofearthlymindedncffe What is the reafon that