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theINUrineafMortíficationl t 4 thatthereis fomuch Preaching,and fo littlepracife 5 and fomuch hearing, and fo little edifying ; but be- caufe men arc earthly minded :' If they would purge themfelves of this earthlym ndedneffe, it is unpol i- ble but that there would beemore fpirituall life in them, in the performanceof fpirituall duties. There- fore ifit were for no other caufe but this, that you nay be inabled unto everygood worke and holy du_ tie, and that youmaykeepe inyouyour fpirituall life, . feeling and moving, labour to keepe thy heart cleat= jfrom finFie. The fecond motive tomove Chriftiansto grow in heave -ply mindedneffe, is, becaufe that by this, God is honoured; I fay, it is a glorie to God ifthoukeepe thy heart cleane : Nowwhat man is there that wouldnot willingly glorifie God, who ftuck not to give Chrift for him e It is aglorie unto Godwhen the Profeffors: ofthe Word livea holy life; forwhat isthenatureof "r the Word but tocleanfe e now when it workethnot this of 4ft i them, or at leaftwhen it appeares not in them, it loth detrait from the excellencie of the Word. The Apoflle layes downe the nature of a true LWrit ia:,Lira, r. zr . Pure Religion is this, to keepe ones lam,14 áT; fife urifpatedof thervorld ; that is, a fpotleffe life is that belt befeerìmesaChriftian man that takes upon him the profefon oftheGofpel,and that which bri "¡gs m ichglorieuntoGod is a blam.leffe co::ver- Í Lion : and to this,end the Apoftl-: exhor=s, Let (,faith he) your Cowerfaat,- onbe without coveto' f aepe, Heb.13. 5- . Hebr,13,IQ as if hee fhould fay, an unfatiable ciisfire d )thdetract from the glorieofGod : therefore let this move men tobe heavenly minded. The