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II `,P.0 EJ 8t ti.` HAW T O MORTIFIE FORNICATION: COLOSSIANS3.1. .órirfie therefore your members whichareupon the earth Fornication, uncleanneffe, inordinate afeain,evillcoaJ d cupfeuce, andcovet©ufaef, nhich iIdolatry. Aving hanalled in generali the Do. &rive ofMortification, according to the Method of theApoftle, I am now come todefcend to theconfide- ringof particulars, as they areid downe inmyText; andwould speak of them in th° order as they are ranked by the holy Spirit, but that the affinity and neereneffe betwixt threeof :hefe firms, namely, -Fornication, Unclean- nefï', andevill Concupifcence,rnakes me to confound than, and promilcuoufly tomingle them together. Let us thereforeconfrd -r firft oft henatureofevery of the finnes particularly by therfe1ves,and afterward. make