Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Hal to mart; ,Fornication: 1.17 make forne Life and application to our felves ofthere altogether. The Doctrine that arifcs in getaerall from there words, is, That All ÿncleahneffe is a thing God would have mortified and quite (de1troyedout of the hearts that bee would dwell in. All filthi effeanduncleannelk is a member of the oldmarl Now in fach as Chri>t dvvcls in, the old man is crucifi,.'d, he is deadwithChrif ; now hee that is dead with him, is fr, -:°e fromhim : andagaine,he that is in the f eco:id Aßáern, lath power to mortifie the members of theold man. All Gods childrensuit be p:srified and cleanfedfronall pollution,as the Apoftle expref7 ly commandsus, Ephef. 5. i. Beye followers of Ephof 5.1%o Godas de.:re children : that is, he ye likeunto Godyour Father, as children referable their natrarallfathers ; now God is pure andholy, therefore mu!'t ye bee fa alfo : and then it follows, verf.3. But fornication and all 'uncle4nneffe, or ovetotdffeffe, let it notbe once nameda- rnonzfiyou,os becomnaecthSaints : that is, let all filch fil_ thine&be fó farra from you, as never anymention be madeof it among{l you if it fhould bychance enter into your thoughts, be fure to kill it there, let it n.ot coinêno farther, never to thenamingof it : As it be- co methSaints 5 that is, holy ones, Godschildren and peculiar people, it were unbecomming, and a great Manic to them tobeuncicane; tobe unlike Gód their. Fa her, who is holy. In lik: manner, hee exhorts us to clean eour elves from all , ihne e-o the le r and i- . r f ,- r p rit,perfeeling holineffe in the feareofGod, 2 Cor.7, r . that is Let us piiïifieour harts from the coiraptiot of lay and.