Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Ephd.q;a9. I .g Eon, to morttfa Fornkattorl, carafeyI havepurgedtlieeandthou waft notpurged, then(halt not be purged from thy filtbinefe anymore, toll Ihavecan- fedmy pry ry to raft upon thee. And indeed wee cannot repent unleflè God fends his Spirit into our hearts, and lace will not fed his Spirit into fuch an heart as hath filthinefle in it : Will anyman put liquor intoa. gl,ffe where Toads andSpiders are much leffewill Gods Spirit come into anheart that isuncleane. Bei des, fuch aman as is not purged fromhis um: cleanneffe, of moll indifpofed to repen- tance ; hee is without feeling, as it is .Epbef4.I9, Who beingraft feeling, savegiven themffives over unto 1afci- vioufneffe, to werke all rincleanneffe ovah greedrnef : Nowfuch a manas hath no fenfeofhis mifery, that cannot feelehis wretched condition, but is infènfzble of his corruption, hee can never repent'; foras the Apoftle faith, z Pet.2. 14. Heecannot eeafe from ;one: and where thereis not leavingoffand forfaking to fin, there can never be any true repentance. Laftly, God refufeth fuch a man, hee will not en- dure toheare him if bee Mould beggè repentance at hishands ; and thereafon is, becaufe heecannotbeg it in fincerity ; for true repentance argues a turning from, and loathing of all ffnne and therefore fuch a purpofeas men ufoto have in the time of extremity, while the eroffe is on them, that they will forfake finne, that theywill not doe fuch and fucha thing, this I fay, will not five the turne, it is not fuflîcient; though they should mcurneand feeme to repent, yet Godwill not accept it,for the verybeafts trtaydoe as much ; as itis faid, Therefore allthe landmourne,and every one that dwelleth therein hail lan tufh, with the &edits