Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

nos- to mortíjePeinicêa-tieñ! 120 bea s of thefield, and with the fiivles of heaven,&e. 4.3. The fecond deceit, wherewithali Satan ufeth to Zteceit i; deceivemen, is, Prefent impunitie helabours toper- Prefent imt fwade us, becaule wee are not prefently puhifhed, Funky, thereforeGod fees it not, or will not punifli it at all, and therefore will goeon inour fanne, and delight to wallow(till in our pollutions, according to that of thePreacher, Ecclef 8. I r. Becaufe fentc ce ag tint ew cvillwirke is not evecuted f eedlily, therefore the hearts of thefames of men is fullypin them todoeevil'. Again( this deceitofSatan, toprevent it left wee Mould bee overtakenthereby, lotus remember thefe following confiderations : Confider first, that though execution bee not pre- featlydone, yet punifhmentsare every where threat- ned, and Gods threatning is as goodas payment ; his ord is fore, and one tittleof it (hallnot fall to the groundunfulfilled : andwhen God .begìnnes to pu- nifh, hewill make anend; as it isfaid, I Sam.3.I z. Itx z Sam,3, ; that day Iwillperforme arinF1Eli allthings which Ihave fpoken concerninghis haute , when I beginne, I will afe make an end: If he ftrikeonce, heneed not toftrikea- ny more, his blowes are Pure, when bee ftrikes, hoc never mitres, his arrowes kill at firft !hooting. Confider fecondly, that either a fudden judgement Mall overtake them, and fo confound them in an in- ftant ; or ifit bedelayed, then thefeare it fh'ould light upon them, quite takes away the fwectneffe of the finìe they commit, and fo makes the fanne it felfe a vexationand punifhment to them ; or elfe laftly, if God fuffers them to runne on in finnç fecurely, and S with-