Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

36 How to mortifae_Porrncdtior; long iyen in itunfeene andunfufpeded,at Iafl they be= cone fhameleffe,and fo lye open toevery mans difco- very : thirdly, he can make any man living to reveaIe his ownefinne ; as we fee in /taw, thoughall the time he was working his wickedneffe bee had carried the bufiaeffeclofe enough, yetin theconclufion,when bee 1,adbrought the bufit effe topaffe, andin all probabi- lity it being nowfinifhed, fhould neverbeeconcealed; eventhen hemuff confeffe ir, he mutt tell it everybo- dy : in likemanner, it will be our cafe, thoughwee keep our filthineffeneverfo private,yet Godcan make us in theend on ourdeath-beds confeffeit, though all our life before we laavehiddenit. Confider thirdly, whofoever commits this filthy finneofpornication, makes himfelfe a vile, and a bafe perfon ; whatever hewas before, though never fo glorious, yet now he is butas a Starrefallen to the earth, as it is in theRevelation. If a man bee godly, come what will come, thereis nothing can make him bale, nothingcan obfcurehim ; though hell it felfe thould labour tocalla darkeneffe about him, yet it shall bee but as a foyle about a Jewell, or a cloned about the Sunne, make him thinebrighter and brighter : Wee sírilr. know a Torch light in a darke night will thine brigh- ter than ifit wereat even foa godlyman, whatever happens untohim, whatever night of affli- &ions,croffes, or otherdifaíters come upon him, yet beewill be themore illutirious, themoreclearer will hee thine in the'midit thereof ; and the more croffes happen unto him, the morewill his glory appeare: but on the other fide, let aman be ungodly, whatever outward .gloryorpopehemay have, yet he is but a bafe