Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Row to mortifie F'orntcc&tonJ 137 bafeandvile perfon, and fo hee fhall ever be eflee- medof, evenat the lafl,_doe all the world what they can. See this inPatti, who beforehe was converted, whileft hewas a perlecutor, was counted a peflilent fellow; but nowafter converfton, when he became godly, hewas highlyefleemed as a chofen veffel! of theLord : So on thecontrary, the Scribes andPhari- fes were the only men, who but theyamong the Jewes,yet now howodious is their names, they flinke in all mensnoflrìls. Therefore let us havea carehow wee fuffer our felves to lyein finne, left we become in likemanner hatedofeveryman ; and on the other fide, let usget ourfelves to begodly, and then our names fhall be as precious oyntment that fends forth a fweet favour iato every bodies noftrils. And thus much for the Deceits wherebySatandeceives mete we will nowcome to fomeufes. The firft Ufe that maybemade hereof, is, toex- a hart all men to be careful!to cleanfethemfelvesfrom this filthineffe and uncleanneffe : and to this end let them never giveGod reft, but with inceffant prayers í!i11 callonhim, till they finde thatthey are cleanfed, thattheyare out of this gall of bìtterneffe ; for as there is nothing thatwill b e fo bitteranddiflafiefulI, nay terrible unto them, as this being lyable to the wrathof God due to them by reafon of this finne;' foBall theynever finde any thing fo fweet andplea fant, naycomfortable unto them, as to be in thefavor of God : for all that the creaturecan doe is nothing without God, there is no peace, nocomfort, no reft without him ; now if a man have not this favour of God, but bewithout it, thoughhe havenever fo ma- T ny