Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

141 Bow tomortife Fornication. cafe,thou artin agood citate ; thou maid bee certaine theroots ofthy lulls arepluckedup,and then thebran- ches mull needs dye. Secondly, examine your£elves andfee whether out ofa loathingandhateofthis finneyou be able to judg6 aright of it, to perceive it in its filthy colours, and loathfonae pollutions : All the timeaman lyes in a finne, heewill havefuch a mitt cat before his eyes, that heecannot feeit perfectly, but dimly, as it were bya fmall light, whichwill notlayopenall the foots and blemithes thereof. To explain this, I will ufe saileo this fimilitude ; A than that lives continually inan houle where abad fmiéll is,heperceives not the ill fa- vour, it is allone to him as though it werepure. and .weer ayre ; but onethat comes in out of the freth ayre, hefinds itprefently, tohim it is exceeding of- fenfive: evenfo it is with fanne, an unregenerate man that is ufed to it, bath long lived in ir, andperhaps ne- ver knewanyother,tohim it isnaturall, he perceives nor the filthinetlèthereof ; it is as good tohim as the purefl action in theworld ; andwhy e becaufebeds accultomed unto it: Nowcuílome, you know, is an- othernature : but let a regenerateman fall to commit the fame finne ,whyhe is troubled, he isperplexed,he cannot bequiet,nor canhe findeany ref' in it, 'ris un. ufuall tohim, and therefore he is dillurbed at ir. And indeedit isagood fignofa righteous fAileto be vex- ed atfinne; ye may fee itinLot, of whom it is Paid, 2 Pet.2.8. Thatrigitious man dwelling anonc them i,s feeing andbearing, vexedhrs righteous fate from day to day withtheir unlarra fill deeds. Try your felves there- fore by this marke, and fee whtheryou canbrooke finne, .. .. ->-----,