Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Hare to mortifre Fornication -: 14;, finnewell enough, or be vexedand difturbed at the committingof it. Thirdly, examine yourfelves,and fee whether your abs'laining andkeepingyour (elves from the aging of this fume begenerall andconfiant, or refpeEtingforne places or perfons, andbut for afhort £pace : this is an effeaofthe former ; for beethat hates a thing, hates every thing that belongs unto it, and that continual- ly this is a Puremarke and never failes. Yee may fee steo' it in other things a Dove is afraid of any feather Sim that bath beeneanHawkes, it brings a great deale of terror unto her, aloft as much as if theHawke her felfe were there fuch anative dread is implanted in thepoore Dove, as it detefis and abhorres the very fightof a feather ; fo the godly man that bathonce conceived adeteftation againft his lufts, endures not any thing that belongs to them, that comes from them. Hethat hates aSerpent, cannot abide the skin, though it be never fo finely fpeckled ; fo, truehatred unto finne, cannot endure motion or inclinationunto It, though itbringnever fofaire pretences and fhewes, it fuffers.notthe leaft £parka to kindleor increafe, as wanton fpceches, lafcivious lookes, &c. A fore that is healed atthebottome,is noteafilyhurt again,wher- as ifit be but skinnedat top it is never the better, for ina littletime itwill breakeforth againe,and be worfe thanever : A bone broken and well fet again, is ftronger than it wasbefore : fo a man that hathonce flipped into this finne, and is got out of it again, thall finde his ftrength to bee encreafed, and him- felfemoreenabled torefit that temptation thanever hewas. a.