Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

148 Hart, to morteFornicates. creating it, and anothermaking it fornewhat bigger ; o fo finne rifeth by degrees. ram.1.14,15. it is laid, But s x4, everymanis tentred,whenhe is drarvne away of his owe haandenticed. Thenwhenbsft bath conceived, it bringeth forth film' andfinne,whenit is finifhed, bringeth forth death : Where obferve three degrees in finne ; firft, temptation ; fecondly, conception and thirdly, per- turbation, or bringing forth: So alfo is laid of the liraelites,that luft inthem brought forth hard- neffè ofheart. Beware therefore of the beginnings 2nd ()cations offinne, and aecultome thy(elfe to Life abItinence,thereby to matter thy Jun. fielpe g Fifthly, Another helpe maybe to refolveagainft it, tomake VowesandCovenants without felvesnot to fall into any occafion that might beean allurement unto it : Let us binde ourfelves from things indiffe- rent at firft, and then afterward from the unlawfull temptations. And that wee may doe itthemore eafi- ly, let us make our vowes for a certaine time, at firft but for a little while, afterward for a longer feafon, and thenat latt,when we havemore ftrength, for ever. jokier& But force manwill here be ready toobjedand fay, firde my feife exceedingweake and unable tokeepe fuchVowesand Covenants ; What than I doé then, who fhall be in danger every day tobreake theta and fo be guilty ofa double finne ? To this Ianfwer, Ifour frailtyherein werea fuffi dent argument, thewould there beeno Vowes at all : What though thou beeft weake andfraile, and fo Ifubjed tobreake thypromifes in this kind; yet re- member that they are GodsOrdinances and.hoewill rut