Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Hol) to mortife Fot'nïcation: 149 put tohishelping hand to enable thee, heevwill bleffe andprofper what ever thoudoll vow or proniife this way, asan Ordinance that heeBath commanded. A- gaine, as thou feet thy felfemore weake, and fubjedi to infringe tholevowes, fo beePure toufe thegreater care anddiligence tokeepe them,be fo much the more vigilant to avoydall occafions that might tempt thee tobre ake them. Sixthly, Anotherhe]pe maybe, toproportion the H:IPe 6a remedie to the difeafe; asthy luffs are greater, foufe greater abffinence, make ffronger vowes againíf them. As iria place where the tide beats ilrongly, +âárrileá there the bankemuff bee fironger ; fo where the cur- rent and tideofthy lulls runne more forceably, there refit them with greater ftrength, keepe the banke good, repaire it by new renewals ofthy graces in thee make newcovenantsagainff it : There is noman withone thoufand, would meet his enemywith two thoufand ; fo doe thou,get as muchftrength to refi:ff,as thy luffs have power toattempt thee. Seventhly, Turne your delights to Godandhea- TIpe , venly things ; whereas you have long beenegiven to earthlymindedneffe, now beginne to let your minde onheavenly things: There is no true Mortification that is onelyprivative, it mull be altopofitive 3 a man cannot leavehis earthly mindedneife, buthe muffpre- fently be heavenly minded. Tomakethis plaineby a comparifon ; Aman cannot empty aveffell ofwater, simile,: but ayreprefently will corne inits place : fo a nian can . no fowler be cleanled fromcorruption, but gracewill i(m %mmyye¡dgia+tte}lyn enter and takepoffeflion ofhis heart ; as Salorno faith? ern, . Z . I°? I I . iÿi fdome wok into thine ._ ____.. burr,