Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

Xxod.z3.17. Note. 194 rm to Mortifie lb fubdued , as not to obey them. Thatyou may know the Apelesmeaning,andnotto lay a ftraighter charge uponyou,then theholyGhoft doth aytnear, hewould haveall thefe threetobe mortified,the theconfent to the luft, and thea6t ()fill. Confider the natureofthe things that are tobee mortified. IC you take theevil inclination , and compare it with the strength of the mind, in committingofany fin, they are all ofthe famenature, they differ but inde- gree,a Tetraevill in the thought, before confent un- to it is ofthe fame nature as agreater, as it is inmur- ther Flee that is angrywith his brother unadvifedly, committeth a degree oftnurther ; So he that ilande- reth his brother by taking away ofhis goodname, committetha degree ofmurther,and is dfinne ofthe fame nature, as if hee tookeaway thelifeofhis bro. ther. So as intaking away the comfort of a mans life , it is a degreeofmurther in as much as that man would take away the life ofhis brother ifhee might ; So in luft , ifa mandefire tocommit adul- tery with awoman, and cannot come to theexecuti- on ofhis will thet ein,to the committingof:the au- all finne,yet the adulteryofthe thoughtsand affeeti- ons, are degrees unto this finne, and are ofthe fame nature , as ifhe had committed the fin it felfe. The Commandements fay, Thoufhalt not covet thy-neigh- bours nfifè,that is,in nodegreeat all tohurt her,or to wrongher. If allbe of one nature, and differ in de- gree, then all are tobe mortified. The fame nature is in one dropofwaterthat is in a whole Sea , and the fame nature in a fparke, as there is in agreat fire 5 Ifthere bearight enmity betweenefin=and us,wee will