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mill e`oncup f ence. r95 will abitaine from all Sinne a man doth hate the very colours of his enemie , as Toades-and Crea- turesothat are poyfonfull : Ifa man doe abftaine ira fincerity fromfsnneXdaee will abilainefrom all f nne. The reafon whyMen abftaine from anyÇnne , is ei t:er for love ofthemfelves or of God ; if for love of thy felfe thou doeft abftaine fromfrnne,thouwert as good commit all as forne ; If for love of God, thou wilt abifaine from all finmts, from little finnes as well as great (hones. Here may aqueflion beasked, ,.quBj. why mendoe abftainefrom murrherand Idolatry t' The ánfwere is, becaufe God did forbid it ; and : in' .lothnot God forbid alto, Thou(halt not loft : God that doth forbid the one, doth forbid the other; and for thy further confideration , know the holy Spirit ofGodBoth hate every Sinne, it Bothaban- don and hate that, heart where thefe thoughts of Intl are nourifht-d. Now the heart is the habitation and refidenceofthe holy Ghoft, wherforeall Sinnes are tobe mortified, that the holy Ghoft may come and dwellthere. The a6ts of mortification are chiefely thefe, theAds ofMeer: Apoftlewould have us take paines withour hearts, tification. men might doe muchgood unto themfelves, would theybut take paines to confider and ponder their their wayes, but when men arecarried awaywith the defreofriches, vaine-glory, andotherinconfi- derations , nomervaile ifit be thuswith therms If theywouldbut fit alone) meditate, and reel their mindes uponwhat they fhould doe,-it wouldbea great meaner tomake them to alter theircourfes. Bb The