Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDotárine ofMortification: eafe, when as thePhyficianknowes that it is amatter of necefli.y, and that except hee purge out that Cor- ruption andhumour ofthe body, it will grow incura- ble:even fo,except this corruption ofnature be purged out,it will grow incurable; that is,we cannot be faved therefore, we mortifie finne, is a worke ofnee ceffìty, whereupon flandeth every mans life and falm vation. The fecond thing which we note, is this : That the frame ofour hearts o-tght to fuit with thofe Doff, 2 Conditions that wee receive by our anion with Chrf. And this alfo theApoílle makes another groundof Mortification ; ifyoube rifen with Chrift, feeke hea- venly things, and therefòre labour to mortifie your inordinateaffeions; and finfull luflsthat fothe frame ofyourhearts, and difpofi:ion thereof, may fuit with heavenly things : as ifhe should fay,Youprofeffe your felves tobe rifenwith Chrift ; that is, that youare in a more excellent eflate than you were inby nature, and youexpect a perfehionofglory; then it muff needs follow, That the frame of your hearts muff fuit with your conditions; thatis, you muff bee fuchas you profeffe yourfelves tobe; and this cannot be, except you mortifie fìnne, all inordinate of eaions, all worldly lulls , all immoderate care for earthly things thinke not to get grace, falvation, and e- ternall life, except firff you flay your corruptions Mortientlon, and lulls ; for Mortification is a turninb ofthe heart evhatitIs. from evill togood, from finne to grace : or, it is a working a new difpofition in the heart, turning it quite contrary : Or elfe i may bee fai4 to bee the