Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The botlráne o(ihortíficution: 5 the flaying of that evill difpofitioa of _nature in us. Nowweemuff know, that howfoever Mortifica- tion is a deadly wound given unto finne, whereby it is difibled to beare any rule or commanding power in the heart of a regenerateman, yet we f ;y, Morti- fication is not perfect; that is,it doth not fo flay finne, that we have no finne at all in us, or that wee ceafe to finne; forin the mofi regenerate and holieft man that lives, there isfhll the fap offinne inhis heart : A tree Simile: may havewithered branches by reafonoffome dead- lywound givenunto the root, andyet there may re- maine force lip in theroot which will in timebring forth otherbranches : fo it is witha regenerateman, there mayadeadlywound be givenunto finne,which may caufe inordinateaffeElions towither, andyet not- withftanding force lap of finne may remaine, which hadneed kill tobe mortified, left otherwife it bring forthother branches.Mortification is not foraday on- ly, but it muff be acontinuall worke ; when thou limit flayne finne today, thou mutt flay it tomorrow, for finne is of a quickningnature, it will revive ifit benot deadly wounded,andthere is feed inevery finnewhich is ofa fpreading nature,and will frudifie much; there- fore when thou haft givena deadly wound-unto force fpeciall corruption, refi not there, butthen et upon the lc-ffer ; mortifie the branches of that corruption ; and fo much the rather, becaufe it will bee an cafie worketo overcome the Common fouldiers,and toput them to flight when theGenerall is flame. Weecall Mortification a turning of theheart; theMortification heart bynature is backward from God ; that is why a turning , it the beam __ __ minas