Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDstrineafMortification maybeheeds growneambitious, and feckes after h tour,and thereforeit Hands not now with his reputa- tion and credit to bee covetous : hereupon hee may growbountiful!, and nevertheleífe his film of cove- toufncffe be unmortified And fo for drunkenneffe, and filchas d fire pleafure, their rnindes anddelights may bechanged, and the finneof the foule be notyet mortified. Sinne is to the foule as difeafes are to the body : nowwe know, that difeafes ofthe bodyufuat ly remove fromone place to another, or at the leaft grow froma leffetoagreater : fo it is with finne in the foule, it will removefromonefaculty toanother. Fourthly, finnemay feeme tobe mortifiedwhenthe confcience is affrighted with the judgements ofGod, either prefent upon him, or threatned againa him : nowby the power of reftraining grace a manmaybe kept fromfinne ; that is,.hec may fobridle his affecti- ons, that he may keepe finne from theaction, he may forfake drunkenneffe, covetoufneffc, pride, and the like,andyet his finnebe notmortified : for here is the differencebetweene aman that bathhis finnemortifi- ed,and one thatbath not; The first is alwaycareful!, that his finnecome not to alion, hec is carefull and watchfull over his wayes andheart, as well when the J::dgement is removed, as when he feeles it : but the other hinders not finne longer thanthe handof God isupon him ; remove that, and then his care is re- moved. Fifthly, finne may feeme tobe removedandmor 5'- tifiedwhenthe fap and ftrength of firm is dead ; that Slnele, is, when the ftrengthofNature isfpcnt.As the Lampe goesout when oyle is either not fupplyed or taken a- way,