Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

7heDot7rineof Mortifacati"" 7 focoVetous after the world as he was, becaufehe hath not fogood an opportunity, and thereupon hee may growremiffe; andyet this finne of Covetoufneffe is not mortified s for let there be occafion, or an oppor- tunity offered, and you fhall finde this finneas quicke and :s lively in him as ever it was before ; and fo for Drunkennefe, or anyother vice in thiskinde : when theoccafion is removed, the finne may be removed, andyet not mortified. Secondly, finne maybe mortified feemingly,when it is notviolent, but quiet ; that is, when an unruly áffeaion troubles themnot,they thinke that now that finne is mortified , but theyaredeceived,for it is with finne, as with adifeafe ; Aman that is ficke ofa fea. ,Simileo' ver, fo long as he is afleepehe feeles no paine,becaufe fleepe takes awaythe fenceof it;but when he is awake, thenprefently bee feeles his paine afrefh : Even fo, when finnedothawake them out offleepe, then they (hall finde it was not mortified,but theyonelyafleepe. S4mpfon, Iradg. 16. fo long as hewas afleepe inhis fin, thought all was well, and that his firengthwas not gone ; but when bee awakesout of fleepe, his finne awakes, and then with much forrow hee fendes that his finne was not mortified,efpecially when he fell in- to his enemies hands. Thirdly, finne may feeme to bee mortifiedwhenit isbut removed from one finne unto another, when it 3 isremoved from a leffe to agreater, or from a greater to a leff°e. As for example, Aman maynot be fo co- vetousashee was, and thinkewith hirnfelfe that this his finne is mortified, when as indeed it is not mores tified, but only remmovedunto another ; for now it may