Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Marino f . lertí cot os4 13 fobe fo hardly drawne tomortifie their1uf(s, which theyaccount as a part ofthemfelves, not tobee parted - withall;for Nature her felfehath implanted thisprin- ciple inthern,Everymanought to love hìmfelfe,what then íhould move anyman tomortifiehis lufts: there- Five Motives N fore for thebetter perfwadingofmen unto this work, to orcífit cation, wewill lay downe force motives tomove everyman tomortifie his corruptions. r' The firft Motive to move all men to mortifie odes =vcâ_ finne, is, Becaufe there is tapleafire in finne : Sinne cannot content the foule ; for this is thenature of finne, the further a man goes on in finne, the fur- ther he goes on inforrow for ineverydegree offinne there is a degree of forrow : As on the contrary, unto every degree of Grace, there is a degree of. J: y; I fay, the more thou getteft of graceand ho- dineffe, of Faith and Rege7leration, the more peace of Co3fcience and fpirituall Joy thou gétrefl; for Grace as naturally produceth Joy, as finne for- row. Nov if men did but confider this, that is, if they had any fpirituall underftanding to know that degrees of time did bring degrees of for- row they'would not fo runneunto finne as they doe. Buttheywill objeu untomee, You are deceived, Oltici5k for there is pie::fure in finne : wee have found plea- fure in finne, and what will youperfwade us againft purknowledge e Have wee not reafon todiftinguifh betwixt things which wee know are of a contra- rynature e Will you perfwade men that honie is not fweet, who have tailed of it ? If you fhoulcd ràrxgathoufandarguments, they will not prevaile C 3 even