Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

4 .... a --t Theioar:ni 0 f " Mart :Pic tam, is like the Horfeleech which the Wife-man fpeakes of, prow.30,r5, that the moreit is given, the more it craves,bat is never fatisfied; fo,the more you feeke to fatisfie fanne, the more it defiras 5 like the fire, the moreyou call into it, the more it burnes : but ifyou will quench it,then detract from it ; fo, ifthou woul- deft have finne todye, _ then detract from thyplafure, from thy covetoufneffe, from thypride. Aman that is ficke ofa Feaver, ifyouwould not increafe his hear, . then keepe him from cold drinke, and other things that are contrary to it ; but ifyou doe fatisfie the dif cafe in thefe things, youdoe increafe it : fo, if you wouldnot goeabout an endleffe worke, give your tufts aperemptorydef God elet this therefore e doe, youwill difpleafe tomortifie their lufts. The thirdmotive tomove al men tomortifie fnte;is 3 becaufeof thegreat danger it brings4 man unto; itmakes c.maim'. a man lyable unto all the judgements of God, it takes Gods ipeciall protethon fromaman, it fills the heart fullofflavifh feare ; it likeaquagmirewhich 3Simile'. may feeme to be firme and folid,but being once in it- the moreyou firive toget out,the greater dangeryou arc in: Like abird that is taken with a gin, the more fhee feekes toefcape ,the fafter Thee is holden by it fó it is with fanne, it carryeth a fairePhew, it will pre- tend muchgood, but takeheedof falling into it, for if you beonce in it,it willbe a hardmatter toefcape. The Underftanding is thePorter ofthe foule- fo long as there is fpirituall life in the foule, the reif of the facultiesdoe partake of it, and fo the whole is prefer- .; now fanne blinds the _ underftanding, andwhen