Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The lo8irineo f'1ortctian: tt Secondly,he is able to refift any temptation orfume, ifit benot greater, orabove the meafureof grace that hehath received ; if it be atemptationof diftruít, or impatie_ncie,or preliunption, ifit exceednot themea- lure of grace that he hath received, heis able toput itto light;.butifitdoe exceed, then hee is topray for anextraordinaryhelpeofthe fpirit : now theun- regenerate manhath nopower to rein}time or temp- tation inthis cafe. But youwill fayagaine, thatthere is no fuchpower °dig in the regenerateman,for theApoftlefaith, Gal.5.17. Theflefh lajiethagainfl the fpirit, ad the fpirit (1,04 Ga1,5o:zr: thefled ; andthefcorecottroy aneto the other, fo that you cannot doe the things thatyoti mould. To this I anfwer; It is true that in themoft fanai- fled man thatis, there is corruption ; and this corrup. tionwill fight againfi the fpirr, and may fometimes hinder good but it is then when it exceeds the mea- lureofgrace heehath received ; neither is it alway prevailing inthis kinde, for when it exceeds notthe grace, the fpirit overcomes it : neitherloth it alwaies continue; it maybe in theheart, butit cannot reigne intheheart; it may beein the heart, as a theefe in a houfe,not tohave refidence andadwelling place, but for a night and bee gone; fo this luft in the heart taf aregenerate mandwellsnotthere ; thatis, it Both not alwayes hinder him from good; but for a time, and then departs : but it is not thus withan un- regerterateman,finne takespofiielliòn and keeperpof lcffionofhis heart. Thethird confeetaryor ufeftánds thus;ieeitigtheA- y , q ale ttl w rti a that isdonot onlyabitainfromthe f